Monday, July 25, 2011

Finally, we know who he is!

The poster on the other blogs, is none other than the ranter "What Nonsense" who now hides himself as "Itchy Watch" True to form, he is his old lying self with a statement that he had been on the forum since 2008, when in fact his first post was on :What Nonsense Wantagh, NY |Judge it! |#3650 Aug 24, 2009 and this is his statement on "is it right for the new Pastor to attack his parish" blog:
Itchy Watch
Matawan, NJ
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|Judge it!
Yesterday Judged:
I'm flattered, by the way, that you chose to put my posts on your pathetic blog.

However, in your very delusional mind, you seem to think that I am a child in need of your "wisdom" and "parental authority." Nothing could be further from the truth and your continued insistence on this further demonstrates how out of touch with reality you really are.

I, along with virtually everyone who reads this forum, has come to recognize that you are a bigoted, twisted old man who is determined to wage war against anyone who dares to challenge your (warped) views of religion or politics. You see conspiracy everywhere and you don't seem to have the mental acuity to separate the two. You are in serious need of the services of a mental health professional.

These are the realities of the situation. Now go ahead and continue to post the crap we've been "treated" to almost 3 years. [unquote]

This 60 year old man has nothing else in life, but to keep posting 1 line rants, after refusing to debate the issues. He is to be pitied, and be prayed for, as I have been doing, and find so much peace in doin so. He has aleigned himself with the pagan, Wicca, person, and finds nothing wrong with that, just as the abortionistic
so called Catholics do, in aligning themselves with the Abortionists.

So dear friends, pray for these types, through Jesus, who forgives everyone, and pray for their salvation.